About us
Chobe Bream’s Mission
Total Commitment to
- Producing and selling the highest quality Tilapia and Tilapia products.
- Maintain world-class standards and efficiency.
- Give superior customer service.
- Train friendly and knowledgeable staff.
- Teaching students the practical skills of aquaculture.
- Create and protect a healthy and stimulating environment.
- Practice sustainable development and progress.
- Bring aquaculture in Africa into existence and growth.
- Create a highly productive fish farm with diverse commodities through successful farming methods and the application of skills and experience.
- Our immediate focus is on intensive breeding programs with the Oreochromis Andersonii and Oreochromis Niloticus.
- We aim to breed the fastest-growing fish of this species under controlled circumstances.
- Therefore we strive to optimize the production of superior growers, which could be made available to the rest of the industry in Botswana.
- Teach Aquaculture practices so that students can become self-sustainable.
- Reduce fishing pressures on the Chobe by producing enough affordable fish.
- Establish this flagship project for Botswana through great loyalty, respect and integrity.

© Chobebream 2019
Web designed by Madredp
Rici: +267 7445 0404
Pieter: +267 77444 770
Office: +267 6240 154/8
Golden Wrap (Pty) Ltd
PO Box 1130